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Identifying THC

Understanding the diverse world of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and its variants is essential for navigating the realm of cannabis consumption. From the well-known Delta 9 THC to lesser-known compounds like THCV, each form offers unique effects and applications. This list aims to shed light on the various types of THC, their properties, and how they interact with the human body, providing insights for both novice and seasoned cannabis enthusiasts alike.

  • Delta 9 THC The main psychoactive ingredient in cannabis and generally the most sought-after. A highly versatile molecule the can be combusted, vaporized, taken orally, applied topically, or even used in a suppository. Although it can be used on its own, there are many benefits to combining it with other cannabinoids/terpenes, ranging from chronic pain relief to getting as baked as possible.

  • THCA The non psychoactive predecessor, generally the main cannabinoid present in cannabis flower. Although naturally inert, psychoactive properties can be unlocked with the process of decarboxylation which uses heat to convert THCA into Delta 9 THC.

  • Delta 8 THC “Synthetic THC” Although it can naturally occur in small quantities, virtually every cannabis product that has a high concentration of delta 8 is synthetically derived from CBD by chemists. Since most users prefer the stronger effects of delta 9 the main application of delta 8 is to dodge bans in countries where the more common forms of THC are still illegal.

  • THCV “Diet THC” A relatively new cannabinoid to be hitting the legal market in higher concentrations, known for its potential to have appetite curbing effects as well as a tendency to promote an energizing high when combined with other forms of THC. Although THCV is moderately psychoactive on its own it might not be a good idea to consume by itself in high quantities before more research on its long-term effects is out, just to be safe.

  • 11 Hydroxy THC The result of metabolizing oral THC, this is what your brain actually receives after ingesting Delta 9 THC, and part of the reason edibles seem to hit different. 11 Hydroxy is known to have slightly more psychedelic properties than its chemical predecessor, and may be surprisingly unhindered by preexisting tolerance to inhalable cannabis products. Due to these properties, in conjunction with ease of ingesting high doses, it’s recommended that beginners start small.